We have free and unlimited technical support. We have comprehensive training resources from whom you can learn your EHR or you can also contact your dedicated Account Manager by phone or email to get set up and answer any questions you have.
Our dedicated Account Managers are always available to give you as much personal guidance as you need to successfully start using your new EHR. Whether you are just getting started, learning a new feature, or starting Meaningful Use, contact your Account Manager to get the best EHR support available, that too free of cost.
For ongoing assistance, our Support Specialists are available by Live Chat to help you with whatever you need-or just find out if your question has already been answered at our help forum.
Understand your EHR your wayWith flexibility in our features, you can learn your EHR step by step-start with charting and e-prescribing, for example, and move on to more features as you feel comfortable. We have video Learning Center which offers complete tutorials on whatever you want to learn next, or get live training in our webinars.