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Cloud / Saas Application For Hospital Management In India

Cloud Computing

DrMHope is innovative software. It is the first award winning Cloud application for Hospital Management in India. It is web enabled seamlessly integrated application supporting distributedcentre transactions. The hospital is based on the Open Source trusted technology.

It caters to all the specific business requirement of Hospitals and Clinics. It is specially designed and developed to provide conceivable benefits to hospitals and clinics. And most importantly, it is backed by reliable and dependable support. The Hospital Management System is also designed to suit multi-speciality hospitals, and offers a wide range of hospital administration and management tools. The entire system is seamlessly integrated, and provides all relevant information linked with the hospital's accounts and administration. The system also aids in the decision making process associated with patient care. It seamlessly integrates and automates the Hospital's entire business process catering to specific Administrative, Support, Clinical and Billing specilities in the Hospital resulting in uninterrupted flow of information and decision making.Electronic Health Record and Electronic Medical Record with unique QR code are available.

The unique features of DrMHope Business Systems using cloud computing technology provides you with a cost effective seamless flow of your Hospitals Management System from patient registration to discharge and ongoing treatment. The attributes and benefits of the SaaS application for HMS makes it easy for hospitals in India to integrate the Cloud application. Our unique QR code card linked to the 1patient1id technology has been built into our SaaS Hospital management application providing each patient with his/her unique ID enabling exchange of medical records globally and saving lives in an emergency situation.

DrMHope specializes in medical software development and consulting. It is software as a service company, which distributes business software on a subscription basis. It is best known for its award winning cloud application hospital management software in India.

The software has been designed after extensive study and research into the various aspect of Hospital functionality. The platform is designed to support all the major features required by a Hospital and are designed with a modular architecture which allows a high level of scalability and flexibility for the end user. Best practices are embedded into all the offerings and an innovative product design minimizes the need to customize, which means that implementation is quick and usage is instant.

Cloud enabled App:

Traditional business applications have always been very complicated and expensive. The amount and variety of hardware and software required to run them are daunting. You need a whole team of experts to install, configure, test, run, secure, and update them.

With cloud computing, you eliminate those headaches because you're not managing hardware and software - that's the responsibility of an experienced Healthcare Application provider like DrMHope. The shared infrastructure means it works like a utility: You only pay for what you need, upgrades are automatic, and scaling up or down is easy.

The Cloud-based app can be up and running in a short time, and the total project cost goes down considerably. With a cloud app, you just open a browser, log in, customize the app, and start using it.

Cloud Implementation is a way to increase capacity or add capabilities on the Cloud without investing in new infrastructure, training new personnel, or licensing new software. Cloud Implementation uses the internet and central remote servers to maintain data and applications. Cloud Implementation encompasses any subscription-based or pay-per-use service, in real time over the Internet, extends IT's existing capabilities. So that any upgrades to the platform or the application it supports automatically for all users at once .No one has to worry about buying and maintain their own physical stack of Hardware and Software, Making sure that all Applications always have the latest patch installed.

Features of Implementation:

Elastic - IT - The system enables you to increase or decrease capacity. So that the User can have as much or as little of a service as they want at any given time
Completely Controlled - You have complete control of your Solutions.
Flexible - Flexible payment facility based on capacity usage. Pay only for the resources that youactually consume based on the Hospitals Capacity.
Reliable - The platform would offer a highly reliable environment where replacement Solutions can be rapidly and predictably commissioned.
Secure - Numerous mechanisms for securing your Hospital data.

Security and User control:

The advanced role-based access model and architecture incorporates a flexible security matrix defining the users and their permissions within each module. This ensures that only care providers with the proper authorization have access to patient information. It has modules with user-level access system enabled which allows for added level of security Rights. The software is a reliable and robust online hospital management system.

Superior Reporting:

Due to this fully integrated online system the various medical and administrative reports are available online.Highly graphic management information system enables the executive management to monitor pivotal metrics.

Improved user experience:

The system has well defined User Interface resulting in a rich and enhanced GUI for the users.

Data Privacy:

DrMHope platform observes the laws and regulations regarding data privacy especially the data protection of medical records, patient's medical history, organizational secrets, etc. All entries to the HMS modules where patient's data can be viewed, changed, or deleted require proper access rights.


  • Reduced Operating cost and positive ROI
  • The system will aid the hospital in reducing the operating cost and achieve a positive ROI by:
  • Reduction / Elimination of duplication of work
  • Improved flow of information and hence Faster decision-making
  • Increased productivity

    Greater control over Patient Management, Improvement in services offered to patients Cost saving / Higher revenue generation as a result of overall improvement in almost all areas of Hospital management.

  • Superior clinical decision making

    The advanced system features enables the care providers to view the patient's care records, clinical documents, investigation results, prescriptions, diagnosis; enabling superior clinical decision making.

  • Patient Centric Enhanced Interaction

    The application also aids in doctor-patient interaction and improves the patient communication with the doctors and vice versa.

  • Detailed Technical Architecture:

    DrMHope is a SaaS based hospital information system. It is designed to integrate the different informationsystems existing in these organizations into one single efficient system. DrMHope HMS solves the problemsinherent in a network of multiple programs that are noncompatible with each other. It can integrate almost anytype of services, systems, specilities, clinic, processes, data, communication, etc. that exist in a hospital. Itsdesign can even handle non-medical services or functions like security, maintenance, etc. It is modular andhighly scalable.

    It is a web based software and all its functions can be accessed with a common web browser thus there isno need for special user interface software. All program modules are processed on the server side. Moduleupdates and extensions do not require changes on the browsers thus there are no network interruptions and downtimes. Its design supports multiple server configurations to distribute traffic and improve speed and efficiency.

  • The system is built on Open Source Technologies:

    All major components are free. eg. Apache webserver; PHP scripting engine; standard scripts; MySQL database; Internet/Intranet Browser; Installation, development and maintenance costs are low.

  • Uses a standard database language - MySQL. :

    Solves the data incompatibility. Data can be sharedthroughout the whole network. External programs can also access the data by using the standard SQL languageto query information.

  • Uses the PHP and Javascript scripting languages:

    Solves the platform dependency issue. Improvement and adaptation of existing program modules as well as creation of new program modules are easy and quick. Development costs and time sink substantially. The platform has built-in automation, data validation, signalling, and updating features. This substantiallyreduces the occurrence of erroneous data and also removes the burden of ounterchecking data manually.

  • All program modules are server side processed:

    No downtime during module updates and extensions. The users would likely not notice the replacement of modules. All program modules and functions follow the same design philosophies and user navigation principles. The GUI design is consistent throughout the whole platform - This helps resolve the complexity of learning multiple programs. The user needs to learn only how to use DrMHope system. The training time is shorter and absence from actual workplace is shorter.

  • Program functions are accessed via standard browser:

    No need for dedicated and costly client programs. Can be accessed via the internet since application uses standard internet protocols and Physicians or surgeons can access patients' data from outside the hospital without using specialized software.


The platform uses PHP frameworks, CakePHP. It is a rapid development framework that provides an extensible architecture for developing, maintaining, and deploying mid and large sized applications. It is designed using MVC and ORM within the convention over configuration paradigm.

CakePHP USPs include:

  • Application Scaffolding
  • Code generation via Bake
  • Helpers for HTML, Forms, Pagination, AJAX, JavaScript, XML, RSS and more
  • Access Control Lists and Authentication
  • Simple yet extensive validation of model data
  • Router for mapping URL and extension handling
  • Security, Session, and RequestHandler Components

Multi-Tenant Model

DrMHope is Cloud based Saas application for hospital management system has multitenancy feature. DrMHope provides the ability to deliver software to multiple clients from single, shared instance which is the most significant requirement in recent times. The major advantages of multi-tenancy are in its cost-effectiveness. The ability to share hardware, software, application development, and maintenance cost amongst tenants in turn helps in significant reduction of cost. Apart from that, sharing a single instance of an application between tenants helps in migration initiatives as different tenants can be simultaneously upgraded.

Enhancing the efficiency level for Hope using Multi-tenancy:

The major leverage for efficiency comes from multi-tenancy, the ability to accommodate different users of the application. The Software-as-a-Service model allows for Innovative pricing mechanisms, based on a subscription model, make paying for IT completely stress-free, easy adoption of technology reduces upfront investments and saves on the cost of maintenance and future upgrades.